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School Council / Climate Crew

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Our School Council

What are we doing currently

We are working towards the eco school green flag. The three areas that we are working on are:


We had a successful green day in October. Everyone wore green, we turned the heating down, turned the lights off and electrical items when we could and took part in environmental activities. 

smileyWe are currently taking part in the big battery hunt.

smileyWe are planning to do a book swap on world book day. 

smileyWe will be going on a trip to the recycling centre in the summer.

smileyWe have light and interactive whiteboard monitors in each class.

smileyThe kitchen offer some of the children more food when they have finished inste of it going to waste.


smileyEvery weekend a different year group can borrow the litter pickers to use. 

smileyLast year we achieved our green blue peter badges by making pledges to help the environment. 

smileyWe are encouraging everyone to ban single use plastic and reuse what they can. Think about the                  plastic pollution and the devastating effects that it has on the sea animals.


smileyOn the first Friday of every month we have funky feet Friday! The children can wear their trainers and            walk to school.

smileyWe have a walk to school week planned for the end of every half term. The children can walk to school          or park further away and walk. They will receive a stamp and receive a prize if they get 5! 

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