Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Class Teacher: Mrs Swain
Mrs Shaw is our Classroom Assistant
This page gives an overview on what will be happening in your child's class this year.
What happens and when
Homework Diaries:
These are used to record daily reading and all homework that has been set. Also they are used for home school communication, so please check them regularly and sign them for Friday. This diary needs to be in school every day together with a free choice reading book.
P.E. Kit:
This will be needed on Monday and Thursday. Your child needs a navy blue tee shirt and blue shorts, black pumps, trainers and jogging bottoms and sweatshirt when cold. Please ensure everything is clearly labelled with your child's name.
Online Maths homework, topic, sentences will be set on a Monday and should be completed by Friday of the same week.
Spellings will be set on Monday and will be tested on the following Monday.
Your child should read for 15 minutes each night and record this in their Homework Diary.